Without them effective management is practically impossible, we non-stop study for the entire market and monitor for many brands the basic indicators that test the pulse of the business and customer satisfaction, we are well versed in statistics such as NPS, CES, CSI, price elasticity, basket value, customer life expectancy in many industries - with us you will be able to track the most important statistics for you and compare them to the standards in the market, we will alert you if your statistics are deteriorating and let you know how we recognize a positive trend
NPS & why [Net Promoter Score] that measures customer loyalty by looking at their likelihood of recommending your business or brand
NBS & why [Net Buyer Score] showing likelihood of next or first purchase in near future
CSI & why [Consumer / Customer Satisfaction Index] that is used to assess customer satisfaction with products and services provided by company, because it examines the importance of purchasing factors and evaluates the brand in these areas, also measures the discrepancy between the importance and the rating showing your so-called gap
CES & why [Customer Effort Score] that shows the amount of effort a customer puts forth when interacting with a company, such as when making a purchase, resolving a customer service issue or other interaction
AVO & why that is average basket value in channels
conversion rate & why that measure how effective your sales and UX teams are at converting new leads into new customers and what about reasons for buying and parth to purchase your customers are saying
churn rate & why showing percentage of customers who cancel their recurring subscriptions and (according to your time definition) stop buying
CCR & why [Customer Retention Rate] that refers to the number of recurring customers over a specific amount of time
CAC & why [Customer Acquisition Cost] that is how much it costs to gain a new customer
CLV & why [Customer Lifetime Value] that measures a customer's revenue over the entire time they do business with your company
price optimum so price that maximizes your revenue
sales cycle & why analyzing peaks and slowdowns in sales related to the season or other circumstances of a social and economic nature