Marketing mix



You already offer and want to improve or develop, or those you are only tentatively dreaming of bringing to market - we constantly support brands and startups in product development and innovation by relying on people's knowledge and working with them on the basis of consumer crowdsourcing, we treat consumers as your best external R&D department, start thinking about them that way too , if you give us a bit of knowledge about them and their business assumptions at the workshop, we will spar for you their potential, strengths and weaknesses, pricing parameters and target groups with the highest potential, we will describe for you the buying personae and give you tips for communication to them

  • SWOT
  • reve potential
  • PLC check-up
  • key pros and cons
  • must-be's & not to do's
  • quick wins
  • dream segments
  • tests
  • ext R&D (brainstorming with consumers)


Everything you say about yourself to customers at every stage of the path to purchase and in every channel determines every day whether someone will buy your product or not - that's why we always check the communication matrix (channels x moments x segments) and look at how others communicate and what are the trends, so our customers have the full picture and can take specific actions or arrange specific communication plans

Pricing and promotions

Which are still responsible for the majority of purchasing decisions and are the purchasing trigger - we measure their impact continuously for the age of purchasing categories and market segments so that we can support you in developing a pricing strategy and setting optimal prices for your products and services

  • Risk Premium Calculator
  • optimal, maximum, minimum price
  • prices & segments
  • win-win analysis
  • valuable product add-ons
  • sipping the cream analysis